About Me

My love for art started at a young age, 3 big events happen all around the same time to create the perfect creative storm for me. First  being introduced to my first Disney movie which at the time was a rereleased Sleeping Beauty and it mesmerized me especially Maleficent/Dragon. The 2nd was around the same time I was also introduced to the world of comics around the age of 8 years old, it was Marvel Comics Fantastic Four 18 it started to fire up my imagination down the road for drawing. 3rd and final piece of what started me down the road to creativity was the introduction of certain cartoons that changed everything being He-Man and the Masters Of The Universe, Thundercats and Transformers.

I grew up in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago Illinois. I took my love and learning for art / drawing at multiple art schools as I advanced and shaped my skills. This carried on through Highschool with the beginning of photography being introduced to my arsenal of art. Then moving into college at Southern Illinois University Carbondale where I was able to go in multiple directions to exploring my creativity leading to 3 degrees at the same time BA in Graphic Arts, BFA in Industrial Design and BA in Cinematography.

I am a professional artist with over 20+ years experience in advertising, video/digital editing and freelancing. Some of the clients that have been worked on are Burger King, Brinks Home Security, Kelloggs, USPS, etc.

I have my own personal creations this website shows such as Pokezombies “Gotta Eat’em ALL!!” and My Dead Little Pony “Friendship is Frightening!! Also this will have a continuous updating of my portfolio including storyboards, character design, portraits, inks and sketches among many others. Thanks so much for looking!!